The worst part is that I don’t think the tools will evolve beyond the creator. There’s no AI super-intelligence. Just really good fakes that are completely hollow inside.
I’m reminded of that internet conspiracy theory that humans developed an aversion to the uncanny valley because there used to be a predator that looked nearly human but wasn’t. I think we’re rapidly stumbling into that world, and that those who can’t control themselves will be culled in the coming genetic bottleneck.
Her(2013) is one of many films I saw in cinemas during the 2010s that I haven’t watched since. I don’t know if that says more about me, or more of a testimony to how much of a cultural dead-zone the decade was.
My interpretation at the time was the film being a metaphor for long-distance relationships. In the late 00s and early 10s, it was still quite niche, but I was hearing more and more of Millennials getting into these strange and unhealthy long-distance relationships with women they’d met online.
In retrospect, the LLM interpretation is an easy go to, given the hype around “AI” over the last couple of years and the isolation of COVID. The PHP developer,, has a number of LLM apps he makes a fortune from, including an “AI” therapist. However, I think the Onlyfans or Twitch streamer interpretation is more appropriate. There are limitations to LLMs. The same can’t be said about OF models. Plenty of lonely men have wasted a small fortune, trying to keep the fantasy alive of a digital GF.
I can’t find the tweet now, but Gio mentioned on DA awhile ago a great tweet he came across, regarding the reason VR/AR will never take off, is because Virtual Reality is already here and the smartphone is the “headset”. I think about that quite a lot.
The worst part is that I don’t think the tools will evolve beyond the creator. There’s no AI super-intelligence. Just really good fakes that are completely hollow inside.
I’m reminded of that internet conspiracy theory that humans developed an aversion to the uncanny valley because there used to be a predator that looked nearly human but wasn’t. I think we’re rapidly stumbling into that world, and that those who can’t control themselves will be culled in the coming genetic bottleneck.
People often post the photo of the beetle that cannot tell the difference between a brown glass bottle and their females.
This will happen for some, but the greater filter will just be the sheer economic, demographic, and degenerative stresses on the existing population.
I appreciate your friendship, Prudentialist, you're a great guy, a thoughtful commentator, and a marvelous writer.
As Morgoth has said before, some will remain in the city “plugged in”, whilst others will live outside in the green outskirts.
The most ironic part about the friend video was three people gaming in a couch together. Does that even happen anymore?
Her(2013) is one of many films I saw in cinemas during the 2010s that I haven’t watched since. I don’t know if that says more about me, or more of a testimony to how much of a cultural dead-zone the decade was.
My interpretation at the time was the film being a metaphor for long-distance relationships. In the late 00s and early 10s, it was still quite niche, but I was hearing more and more of Millennials getting into these strange and unhealthy long-distance relationships with women they’d met online.
In retrospect, the LLM interpretation is an easy go to, given the hype around “AI” over the last couple of years and the isolation of COVID. The PHP developer,, has a number of LLM apps he makes a fortune from, including an “AI” therapist. However, I think the Onlyfans or Twitch streamer interpretation is more appropriate. There are limitations to LLMs. The same can’t be said about OF models. Plenty of lonely men have wasted a small fortune, trying to keep the fantasy alive of a digital GF.
I can’t find the tweet now, but Gio mentioned on DA awhile ago a great tweet he came across, regarding the reason VR/AR will never take off, is because Virtual Reality is already here and the smartphone is the “headset”. I think about that quite a lot.
The medium is the message. As Marshall McLuhan once wrote, we create technology so it can change us
You'd probably enjoy my interview with Marshall's grandson, Andrew.