Turbo-fifth generation warfare. And I thought it was bad back during the Syrian Civil War.

Good points all around.

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I can't recall who, but someone said that the main war this century will be an information war.

Your piece makes me recall the Bernaysian idea behind controlling the narrative by controlling the information (propaganda?) and then ultimately the reaction and response; all done to serve the ends of the regime. That said, I commend you on another excellent article.

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I think I've posted this before, but a lot of the tribalism is not required by the online form IMHO, but is a product of specific design considerations made by those in power.

E.g. the way feeds pull in opposing opinions, framing contrasting posts side by side, the power to quote tweet being available & prominently on offer, and a million other design factors that reduce natural borders between communities to foster the feeling of all out inter-tribal war described.

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