I think there is real opportunity in these technologies.

One of the main issues that dissident artists (broadly conceived, to include filmmakers and game designers) have faced is a lack of studio funding and resources. This limits the scale and sophistication of their output. Low cost AI-assisted content generation can and will significantly alleviate this issue. The studio gatekeeping will be broken, and dissident artists will be able to present a better vision of the world.

But we, as the right - the side that is for life - must ensure that we are always also building the real-world reflection of these ideals; that we are not sucked totally into the AI metaverse.

An exciting task!

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This is a great piece. I'm not exactly the most optimistic about the future of tech (or at least, where it is leading to), but that might just be because I've been reading too much Nick Land. Personally, I think having a solid metaphysical grounding is necessary to mitigating technodoomerism about AI. Humans simply cannot create Life. That is all. Nor can they create intelligence, artificial or otherwise. This might be cold comfort when we are stuck in the Matrix being used as human batteries, but that too shall pass.

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Since the Beginning (yes,THAT beginning), humanity has been given knowledge that has ultimately been to our detriment. Never has it made man more like God. Perhaps more god-like in abilities and potential, but never have we grown more like Him in our supposed advancement. When will we throw off the rose-colored glasses of our materialistic worldviews to realize that this "knowledge" is given by creatures that seek our destruction. Call me skeptical, but from metallurgy to splitting the atom in 4000 years? I don't think we have it in us.

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