The deceiver's favorite avenues of attack is to whisper rationalizations to us when we stand at the precipice of temptation, and then accuse us thoroughly before God when we fall into sin.

Scripture provides us examples on how we should respond. Firstly, like Joseph, flee from temptation. Don't even stay long enough to consider the situation, run from it regardless of the immediate result as quickly as your feet can carry you. Secondly, when those times come and we do fail and lose a battle with the flesh, like David we should humble ourselves before God in mourning, and when He restores us resume His mission for us with redoubled passion.

May God forgive me for my own inability to follow these clear truths I am blessed with the knowledge of. May He bless you richly in this season and as Easter approaches.

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I wonder if the overemphasis on rational arguments with modern apologetics has hurt Christianity in the long run. Great article, God bless you brother!

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The reality of losing disciples through argumentation is one I had never thought of. This calls for us to do things carefully and to be prepared with the right doctrine much as we can.

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