I just wish the discourse around this wasn't already so gay. I used to keep tabs on the Maga crowd and they have been relentlessly calling DeSantis all sorts of establishment shill variations or saying he is woke because some nobody said they liked him to the blatantly retarded shit like accusing him of being pro vax because he wasn't harsh enough on it while ignoring Trump still shilling for it. Not to mention Trump has been attacking him for like a year the second he realized that Desantis was gaining popularity and was a potential threat. Especially considering what an absolute disappointment Trump has been post presidency with his extended period of silence and seeming preference for business over political success (Truth Social, etc). I don't want to come off for shilling for Desantis here either, his recent onerous hatespeech bill that he signed into law in Israel was atrocious, though most of my other complaints is he hasn't gone far enough. Ultimately until one of them starts paraphrasing Yockey and E Michael Jones constantly they arn't totally my guy but that's fine I can deal with imperfect leaders in imperfect times.

Regardless of who we get unless something game changing happens in certain states to re-engineer the elections I just don't see any type of national political victory being possible. Seeing as I live in Florida I am precluded from participating meaningfully in that happening. So what is there to do here other than watch Trump and Desantis shit on each other for eight months before the winner (100$ it's Trump by a large margin unless there is some primary shenanigans) goes on to easily out campaign and out argue Biden or whatever inchoate thing they replace him with....only to lose anyways because there is no actual path to win in enough states anymore. I am not black pilled at all on this, it's more like why expend the energy on that when I can be focusing on Local and state level affairs that can fortify and protect me from whatever cancerous shit that is bound to come out of the federal government in the next 6 years. Frankly with Desantis specifically he would be much better off removing the term limit with his super majority and making himself de facto King of Florida than he would going on this too early attempt at national politics.

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Really can't understand any argument that this election matters. 2016 'mattered' and 'our guy' won, and our reward was the summer of racial reckoning and Project Warpspeed.

Trump has nothing credible to offer, the entire election show has nothing to offer but cheap celebrity gossip as they figures mill about like reality show stars

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I don't think 2024 is a real election. Those don't happen federally anymore, or in the state of Arizona. Neither candidate has a chance with the way the game is set up. The difference is what happens down ballot

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This is a well-written article, but let's be real, neither Trump nor DeSantis has a chance at winning a rigged election. It's not about "winning". The presidency is ceremonial; it's about forcing the incumbent power structures to take their mask off and reveal their control, in plain sight.

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Yeah I wasn’t very impressed with the DeSantis twitter space. He came off as very milk toast and by the numbers despite giving some decent policy ideas. Trump’s momentum is based off his personality and channeling the disgust of the average person’s feelings towards the regime.

I am going to copy paste a note I said awhile back when Trump took the CNN town hall by storm:

As much as i had my doubts, that town hall Trump put on was quite a 2016 return to form.

One smart commentator made this an essential point:

“The best part was when Trump called the horrible CNN host a “nasty person” for badgering him. Everyone recognizes and hates the crude middle school psychological tricks these people try to do. Tough to get a scare headline of Trump without being obviously dishonest.”

While the questions weren’t fair and he gave them some material to run on (especially that BS verdict from his civil trial), it’s pretty clear that he’s the nominee at this point.

Outside of being railroaded by weaponized lawfare, Trump’s biggest strength will be the ability to instill a sense of both fear and longing for better times amongst independents. The quality of life is down all across the board and the bitterness that the everyday layman feels but is not allowed to say or articulate way without him is a big confidence booster.

He’s not without his downsides; Trump admits to his scatterbrained messaging during 2020 “Pandemic” and his weak response to the leftist violence and rioting did him in severely. His hiring list of personal and generals was under the assumption that they would all act in good faith unaware of how the DC establishment corrupts and compromises everyone there and didn’t fix it until late in 2019. (The same military brass erasing Confederate memorials and tributes in the US military frequently undermined and betrayed him at every turn.)

Elections still matter, it’s why Gregg Abbott is there to pardon wrong convicted people like Daniel Perry and send troops to the border to contain the open borders policy by the current federal leviathan.

I’m certainly feeling jaded by the recklessness and insanity going on as everyone else, and I have a feeling this will get more chaotic Trump or not.

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